
Again, sorry for the delays.  I’m going to try to make several posts in the next few days to get up to date on everything.

Lisa’s grandparents along with my sister came into town for our graduation ceremony, so we felt somewhat obligated to show up as well.  On the whole the event went fairly well.  We made it to the party mostly on time – a few minutes late – met up with Peter Barker and got to where we needed to be.  Tracy and Mary (Lisa’s mom) sat with the rest of Lisa’s party – Bob, Marty, the kids, and the grandparents.

After some initial confusion both parties spotted the other during the ceremony.  While not conspicuous on our own, Lisa and I were seated near our professors Piers Hale and Suzanne Moon, both of whom had on very brightly colored PhD gowns.

The ceremony itself went relatively well – the speeches didn’t suck – and we got some good pictures (see Pier’s page or the OU departmental page).

After the ceremony we went to lunch.  Getting there was a bit of an adventure.  There was an hour between the arrival of the advance scouting group – Marty and the kids – and the last arrivals – Lisa and Mary.  Lunch lasted like 2 hours and then leaving took another.  Still, we had a good time and got some very nice gifts.

In a related though chronologically distant note, Tracy graduate from high school.  Her valedictorian gave a great speech but the rest of the trip was a bit of a fiasco.  We got lost several times, and on the whole the thing was fairly boring.  Still, I’m very proud of Tracy and look forward to not having any more graduations for at least 3 or 4 years.

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